Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Safe Surfing Tips on Internet

Internet is now a thing can't be released just like that of our lives. For some people to the internet or surfing the internet is a primary need like a breath of oxygen. So no wonder the song like online by saykoji on the right is a depiction of the current generation will be integral to the activity of surfing on the internet. It's just for surfing the internet, there are a few tips that should be taken into consideration all of you, because one-one you'll be the victim.

1 . Be careful when providing personal information that is current Think twice will announce the things that are personal in cyberspace, such as entering the phone number and address, names of parents, etc.. Things like that could be misused by those who intend evil to you. Or even armed with complete information about yourself, the parties intend evil use your personal data to use your data to commit crimes on the internet, such as fictitious transactions and others.

2. Do not upload "photo in which no one else, and the image is a photo"?? Sensitive "? for example, the person is actually just for fun you want to display photos on Facebook, but alas it turns out the person feel very angry objections. Well, be careful, you could include the category "?? Cyber ​​bullying"?.

3. Be wary of unknown emails If you receive an email from someone you do not know, be careful, do not carelessly open that email, there could be a virus in it, thoroughly beforehand, especially if there are links that are not clear origins .

4. Be careful when shopping in online stores with the rampant growth of online stores that treat their customers with a wide range of convenience, be careful, lest you be fooled by a fake online store. Investigate first online store's reputation is concerned. How is credibility? Examine first when you resolve to give your credit card data, do not be fooled.

5. Do not carelessly make a written allegation or allegations that are still remembered the case of mail or electronic mail Prita? It's really scary is not it? Avoid posting things purely conjecture, gossip, or allegations concerning persons or institutions that could result in a libel or charges.

6. Consider the ethics of surfing in cyberspace courtesy shall apply as in the real world, so you can avoid things that are not desirable.

7. Use the "Report spam" if necessary If you get an email from someone who is promoted to you, and previously did not ask for permission and it is disturbing the contents of your email, the email report as " Report spam"? to be categorized as a spammer in question.

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

How to be genius student?

So get ready to learn how to become a genius student!

1. Finding the best place to learn
Need to find  a place to study and do homework, free from distractions. Coffee shop public is not convenient to choose the study area. People come from friends and not worry you can rest in necessary information. try to find a nice quite place to study, which is convenient

2. Talk with the teacher on how to become genius
Typically, teacher provide some tips on what to study for exams. Only helps you on your ability to review. Also, if the work is not entirely clear, be sure and ask your instructor. Most of them have no trouble watchong the draft guidelines for expressing their views on advance.
If you want to learn how to become a genius student, don't leave your homework, classroom work or study in a minute ago. Cramming won't help you achieve your goals. Set aside time at least once every two days to explore all that apply. To test for myself to see what you remember and that you need to work

3. Search and download the software to study! That will help you more

You can get more knowledge that you not get from school, you also can get example of exercise with simple way.

4. Reward yourself for your hard work
Find time for fun! The study break will help reduce tension and stress in trying to become a direct disciple. You will find that having little 'entertainment will be easier to sit and study later. Don't take this step, a reason to leave their homework later. This  will only set back

It all depend on you. Must be determined and gave the right mind set for achievibg its objectives. As always do your homework, go to class and listen to your techer or instructor. This will help ensure that student become genius

Money doesn't mean everything

Almost all material things here on earth can be bought with money. Money is a medium of exchange to acquire any services or material things that we want or need. For many people, money is everything. They believe that having a lot of money can bring them to the satisfaction of which they have dreamed. That's how powerful is money. It can control the mind of an individual. Many people, because of their obsession to have more money will do anything, even if they have to transfigure people into objects to acquire what they really want. That is why in our economy today, the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer. How sad it is to know that kind of reality.
Money can be acquired in many ways. Most people will work to earn money. Some will create a business to accumulate and increase the amount of money they have. In moments of desperation, most people would pawn their jewelry and other belongings to obtain instant money. Some of them would sell their properties and even their structured settlements in order for them to have available cash. The worst thing of all is that a person would risk his own life and dignity by doing a criminal act only to have money. How ironic it is. They think of money as everything to their lives, but they're wrong, absolutely wrong.

The reality that we should embrace is that we need money, but it does not follow that money is the only reason of our existence here on earth. Money is important, but it is not everything. There are many factors that can create fulfillment here on earth, not money alone. They are our family, our friends, and even our new acquaintances. They can help us grow and reach our goals. Remember that money is only a material thing. It is created for our convenience, but it should be used for good. It is created for us to control; it is not made to control us. Imagine a person has enough money to buy anything and everything that he wants, but can you imagine that with only that resource that such a person could be truly happy and fulfilled?
Money is good but loving it makes it bad. We can work hard to earn more money. We can sell our properties and our other belongings to have money in emergencies. Remember, we should work not only for the reason of receiving but also for the reason of giving. Money is indeed important, but it is not everything.

Clive Green is a writer with expertise in the fields of self-improvement and finance. [http://www.cashstructuredsettlements.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/188948

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Sekilas Ilmu Ikan

Setelah membaca buku pengetahuan, menurut gw ini lumayan bermanfaat untuk nambah pengetahuan

.                                Bagaimana cara ikan bernafas?
                                 Udara yang kita lewati dan kita hirup sekitar 21 persennya terdiri atas oksigen. Tetapi air tempat ikan berenang hanya memiliki setengah dari 1 persen oksigen terlarut. Jadi, tubuh ikan harus menghimpun oksigen agar cukup untuk bertahan hidup. Bukan itu saja, air 1000 kali lebih berat daripada udara dan sedikitnya 50 kali lebih rapat. Jadi, merupakan pekerjaan berat untuk mengambil oksigen yang sedikit itu.
Semua ikan memiliki insang, sesuatu yang mirip tirai yang bergantung dengan lipatan-lipatan. Kalau insang dibuka lipatannya, besarnya akan 10 sampai 60 kali lebih besar dari permukaan tubuh ikan itu sendiri. Melewati insang inilah ikan bersirkulasi.
Air mengalir kedalam mulut ikan dan masuk dan masuk ke dalam melewati insang. Begitu mengalir ke insang, air dan darah ikan hanya sipisahkan oleh selaput yang sangat tipis (kurang dari 1/4000 cm). darah yang sudah penuh oksigen mengalir melalui selaput ini kedalam darah. Darah yang sudah penuh oksigen diserap melalui arteri ke seluruh tubuh, termasuk jantung, memasok oksigen segar bagi ikan

Mengapa lumba-lumba tidak tidur?
Tidak seorangpun tau apakah ikan benar-benar tidur. Para ilmuwan memasangi elektroensefalograf (ECG) pada subjek tidur manusia dan melacak gelombang otak manusia, sehingga mereka mengetahui bahwa manusia melewati beberapa tahapan tidur setiap malam, dan kapan tepatnya mereka bermimpi. Namun, tidak banyak yang berminat untuk memasangkan ECG pada ikan untuk melihat apakah ikan benar-benar tidur.
Kita mengetahui beberapa hal, sebagai contoh ikan yang kerangkanya terbuat dari tulang tidak memiliki kelopak mata sejati, sehingga tidak bisa memejamkan mata. Tetapi pada malam hari, banyak ikan bertulang memang diam disatu tempat untuk waktu yang lama, berisitirahat didasar laut atau dalam goa
Sedangkan, pada kebanyakan ikan hiu berenang terus meneru. Akan tetapi, beberapa spesies hiu memang tampaknya tidur, tidak bergerak, di goa bawah air atau dasar samudra
Pada lumba-lumba, andaikan mereka tidur memejamkan mata seperti kita, sebagian besar otot lumpuh tidak menyadari kebanyakan suara segera saja mereka tidak akan menjadi lumba-lumba lagi. Bagaimanapun lumba-lumba adalah santapan favorit hiu.
Untuk melindungi dirinya, lumba-lumba sudah mengalami evolusi dengan setengah tidur. Para ilmuwan mengatakan lumba-lumba memang tidur, dan melewati tahapan-tahapan tidur, dari ringan sampai nyenyak, seperti manusia. Tetapi, tidak seperti kita lumba-lumba hanya tidur dengan setengah otak (sementara satu sisi terlelap, sisi lainnya tetap sadar dan waspada, memungkinkan lumba-lumba berenang,mengamati, dan mendengar)

Mengapa beberapa hiu mati apabila berhenti berenang?
Banyak dari 350 spesies hiu yang ada di muka bumi ini harus “bergerak atau mati” berhenti berenang, maka pasokan oksigennya berhenti juga. Ikan hiu yang berenang tanpa suara si air sedang melakukan aktivitas aerobik aktivitas yang menggunakan banyak oksigen. Agar hiu bisa terus bergerak, sistem pernapasannya harus memproses oksigen yang masuk, dan darahnya harus mengantarkan oksigen itu ke otot-otot dan organ lainnya yang memerlukannya.
Hiu memiliki insang berbentuk lengkungan yang tertanam di sisi tubuhnya. Di belakang lengkungan ini terdapat irisan-irisan. Air masuk, terutama melalui mulut hiu, dan mengalir melewati insang, dimana oksigen diambil oksigen masuk ke aliran darah hiu. Air yang sudah dipakai mengalir kembali ke lautan melalui irisan insang.
Saat hiu tersebut meluncur disamudra, gerakan majunya mendorong air melewati mulut dan insang. Hiu-hiu ini harus terus bergerak untuk menjaga agar air yang kaya oksigen terus mengalir masuk. Apabila berhenti, maka perlahan-lahan ikan hiu tersebut akan kehabisan udara

Mengapa belut listrik berlistrik?
Belut listrik bukan belut, belut listrik adalah jenis ikan berbeda yang bentuknya mirip belut. Belut listrik adalah salh satu dari sekitar 500 spesies berbeda ikan berlistrik. Hewan yang berbeda telah mengembangkan metode berbeda untuk menemukan jalan dalam kegelapan. Belut listrik menemukan jalan mereka si air yang gelap (dan mengimbangi penglihatan mereka yang buruk) dengan menggunakan medan listrik yang dihasilkan tubuh mereka sendiri.
Ketika belut berenang, medan listriknya berdenyut di sekelilingnya. Bentuk medan itu berubah ketika menemui benda yang menghantarkan listrik secara berbeda dengan air. Kemusian sel-sel kulit khusus di tubuh belut akan mendeteksi bahwa ada sesuatu yang mengganggu medan listriknya.
Belut yang marah bisa mengeluarkan muatan lebih dari 500 volt pada arus 1 ampere, cukup untuk membuat manusia pingsan dan menyalakan ruangan penuh lampu selama sesaat. Dan ketika 2 belut berjumpa, masing-masing berhenti mengeluarkan listrik dan kemudian keduanya berganti frekuensi. Dengan begitu medan listrik mereka tidak akan saling menggangu.